Monday, August 1, 2011

Just Like That.....

Just like that the summer ended....and off you went to the first grade....wondering if you really looked like a first grader or still a kindergartener"

It's so hard to believe that my baby girl is getting so big, so grown up

It's happening WAY too fast....I closed my eyes to blink and you were no longer a baby...

i wanted to make your first day of first grade special so I woke up extra special early...

i wanted to make sure that you went to school with a full tummy and an overflowing heart...

i made you scrambled eggs with cheese and ham (your favorite right now by the way) with toast sprinkled with a little cinammon and suger and a whole lot of love....

we talked about what you were excited about, what you were scared of, and how you thought your day might go....

you also told me that you were the luckiest girl in the world because your mommy made the best clothes and no one had anything like what you had abd that you "loved times a bazillion the new dress you made for my first day of school" (be still my my lady have no idea how good that made me feel)

so off we full of excitement and beaming from ear to ear excited of what the day would hold for holding back the tears knowing that once again I was handing you over to the wonderful teachers that are blessed to have you in their classes...

once we got to school i looked in the rear-view mirror and could tell that there was the slightest bit of apprehension...nervousness...a little bit unsure of yourself...

but it quickly passed and you were ready to charge off into the school leaving me in your way sista'...I'm not letting you get away that quickly!!!

and just like that....just like that another year is passing....

you are growing taller....brighter....more beautiful....more loving...more compassionate...

just like that i walked you into your class....

gave you a hug and a kiss....

told you how much i loved you and how much i was going to miss you today...

and just like that i left you there....i turned and watched you for a few moments from the doorway...

you were smiling...chatting with your friends...exploring your new classroom...i looked at you and knew that you were going to love first grade

as i walked down the hallway hand in hand with Adilyn i thought about all of the times that i was going to let you have to walk away from you or watch you walk away from me...

i'll watch you go to your first dance....

i'll watch you go on your first date (and Lord help me worry each and every second you are gone)...

i'll watch you drive away in the car for the first time praying that you will remember each and every single rule of the road and of the car....

i'll watch you go off to college...

i'll watch you as you marry the man you love....

i know that you are going to do things that I do not agree with...i know that you will make decisions that i don't care for...

i know we are not going to get along faultlessly over the years....i know we will want to pull our hair out in frustration over the years....

but i know one thing....i will always and forever be proud of proud of her as humanly possible...through the bad decisions and the good...the ups and the downs...i will be proud of her more than she will ever know...she is my heart...

Happy Monday Readers!


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