day 10 - ten secrets
who doesn't have secrets.....i think it's an undeniable factor that not one of use are open books...
i find that in the past ten years, as time goes by, i learn new things about colby....and i'm sure, in return, he learns things about me
not all secrets are bad....some secrets are just undiscovered tid bits of knowledge that a person holds within them until they are ready to share these little known facts....
so here are mine...some of you might already know of you might not...and some of them might be a little on the scandalous side....*GASP*...shocking...I know!!!!
1. i'm seriously crushing on my husband...the butterflies in my tummy...sweaty hands....stumbling of the tongue....flushed cheeks...rapid heart beat...nervous over the moon feeling....i am so totally crushing on him....he is my heart and without him here i do not feel complete
2. after my freshmen year of college i moved home to my parents house and got a job as a server in this little sea food joint called the barberry was an eclectic place and the owner was also on the eclectic side....this place had a restaurant on one side and the other side was a night club....complete with table top in addition to waiting tables for lunch and dinner...i became a cage dancer after the restaurant side closed...(*disclaimer...i was FULLY clothed*) in addition to having a rockin' summer.....i made enough money to pay cash for my entire year sophomore year of college without taking any loans summer EVER!!!!
3. i do not make my bed everyday....i's a shock...but i don't....and i don't' make my kids make their beds everyday....
4. i am not 100% happy with my physical appearance....i do not think i'm horrid but i always find things about my outward appearance that i can for now i work out hard...try to eat healthy and use sunscreen....
5. i sometimes have a desire to go back to's not a strong desire and it normally goes away very quickly but i sometimes miss work...miss the adult interaction...but it is not worth it to focus right now is my children and giving them the best foundation that i can...
6. i sometimes wait two to three weeks before i put the clean laundry away...i totally despise putting the laundry away...maybe it's because i have to walk up 2 flights of stairs to put it away but yah...i loath putting the laundry away...
7. i sometimes scold my children for being know...for doing silly things...making too much noise...not listening to me the first time around...i attribute this to stress and the fact that daddy is 7000+ miles away and it is something that i work on daily....actually i work on it by the minute....i'm getting better and i apologize to my children as i think it is important to say "i'm sorry"...but it is also important for them to know that i am human and i make mistakes...
8. i am addicted to shopping...not so much shopping but finding the the converse for $6 for the kids....the jeans for $2.48 for the girls...clearance for me (preferably heels even though i hardly ever wear them because i would feel like a freak of nature) but right now i'm digging target...who doesn't love target...they had hot hot hot heels for $5...i was in heaven...
9. i dye my hair....yup...not a natural red head...i have been dying my hair since i was a freshman in high just kind of stuck with me...i actually went to a dark brown about 2 years ago and i just didn't feel like "me"....i am a red head through and through...even if i need help from a bottle....
10. i was on a dart league when i was in college.....i played with a bunch of men...i was the only chick throwing, but i was good and i loved it and i had fun...when hubby came home for r&r we had the wonderful opportunity to spend a few days just him and of the things we did was to play darts...oh how it brought back memories......
so there you have it...ten secrets...some you may know...some you might not...some you could care less about....but there they are...
on another note....
i have had the pleasure of being a pattern tester for some absolutely wonderful and talented pattern designers in the past....
over the weekend i had the opportunity to test a pattern for whimsy couture....the retro romper....i am in love love L O V E with it....and adilyn rocked it!!!
i mean seriously...who would not love this...i want one in my size!!!!
she is not a huge ham in front to of the camera....usually she has to be coaxed and bribed......
but for some she needed no prodding from mamma....she rocked the romper as well as the camera!!!
oh how i love this girl of mine....and this romper still my heart...
happy sunday lovely readers.....i hope that you have had a wonderful weekend!!!
x's & o's
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