Sunday, August 14, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day Five

day five - five foods

i am not a huge food person.....i don't do comfort food...i'm not a stress eater....just not really into food all that much....

i eat because it's just one of those things that we kind of have to do...kind of like the fact we have to breath....

i am also really finding it really arduous right now to cook...i don't mind cooking when colby is home...i'm actually not bad at it...

but when he's not home i am cooking for me (the one who really doesn't care for food) and for a six year old and a three year old who would be happy with hot dogs or peanut butter and jelly six nights out of the week....

it seems like a complete and utter waste of time...because i have SOOOOOO much more i could be doing other than determining what to feed the divas and me for din-din

so my five foods that i don't think i could live without are....

*colby's breakfast glad i can't have them because just looking at them packs the pounds on me...the potatoes and bacon and cheese and so SO yummy

*my mom's potato salad.....this is as close to comfort food as i get...i have never tasted any ones potato salad that comes close to my moms...i could eat JUST that for an entire meal....

*peanut butter of my dearest friends, miranda, actually made this for me and it was the first time i had eaten it...i was hooked....i now have a recipe for it but i will only make it when i know lots of people will be around....otherwise i will eat the ENTIRE batch....and then i will have to explain to adilyn who also is in love with the stuff why there is not more left...not a good situation for us....

*nachos from target.....i'm not even going to say anything else about these....they are bad bad bad for me but it is one thing i can not resist...oh the mounds and mounds of flowing cheese...bad bad bad......

* cold coke...from the tap preferably...and before you say it isn't a food....i could live off of it for at a long time...coke is in a food group all in itself....since i have been working out and trying to take better care of myself i have really limited my coke intake....but i HAVE to have it is my lifeline to sanity...

so there you have five foods....

and of course i am still going through my gazillion pictures and wanted to share some more...

happy sunday to you all

xoxoxoxoxoxo ~r~

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