Thursday, August 18, 2011

10 Day Challenge - Day 9

day nine - 9 loves

1. my husband....oh how i adore that man....

we have not had a "perfect" marriage but who does....and people who say that they do are living in a fantasy world and i always wonder how "happy" are you really...putting on a facade...pretending that things are perfect 100% of the time..

the one thing that has been constant for our almost ten years of marriage is matter how much i give him the silent matter how much he tries to ignore matter how much i nag matter how much he tries to sweep things under the rug...we know that we love each other....

the one thing that we have promised each other is to ALWAYS say "i love you" when leaving the house or getting off the phone...even if we are mad and to never say things in the "heat of the moment"....

it is so much easier to spout off at the mouth than to hold your tongue and think to yourself what you are getting ready to say and how it is going to make the other person feel....

i love that man of mine...he is a good man....a dedicated man....a strong man....a loving honorable man....and he is mine...i'm a lucky girl!!

2. my children....even on the days that i want to lock myself in the closet....

even on the days where i can't wait until they go to bed so i can have a few moments to reflect...

even on the days where all it seems they do is fight with each other or challenge me....

even on the days where it seems that nothing any of us can do is right....

especially on the days where i hear them laugh and see them smile...

especially on the days where they play together for hours with not a mean word spoken....

especially on the days where everything goes right....

especially on the days when i really need a hug or a kiss and they are always there to give it to me....

i love those girls of mine...i am more than blessed to have them in my life and to be able to call them mine

3. my parents.....they have been in my life since the beginning...they have...

supported me....

encouraged me...

loved me unconditionally....

been there to help me pick up the more than one occasion....

parented me....even when that meant not letting me go out with my friends...

gave me a solid family structure and always made me feel safe and secure....

pushed me and made me do things because they were "good for me"

4. my sister....even though we have not always seen eye to eye on everything i know that in my heart of hearts she will be there for me when i need her....

she has shown me compassion and love....

she has shown me what not to do to stay out of trouble....

she has shown me that you don't have to fit the "mold" who you are no matter what anyone else thinks....

5. my brother....even when he makes it hard to love him you just can't help but to....

my kid brother....

my partner in crime....

the one i never thought was an intrusion on the countless number of times he came to hang out with me and my friends when i was in high school....

the one man i know that has a heart of gold....

the one i can count on to get up at 2am on black friday and go shopping with me two years in a row....(if that isn't love i have no idea what is!!!!)

6. ice cold coke....the one thing that i will never give up no matter how health conscious i become...i can't....i won't...end of story!!!

7. sewing...i love being able to make think outside the mix and match and come up with something that no one else will be wearing....i love that my girls love that i sew for them!!!!

8. dating my husband......since colby has joined the army we have had the opportunity to leave the girls with my parents and go away for a few nights....we get to act like newlyweds again....spend time together where we can let loose and feel's so important to our marriage to be able to do that and i am so very thankful to have wonderful parents that are outstanding grandparents that are willing to do that for us....thank you mom and dad

9. quiet time....i need it....i thrive when i have it....i'm a better mommy when i get it....if i don't get it i crave it and i can get quite irritable....i need to have some adult interaction throughout the day but more than that it is essential that i get my quiet time....

that's it...those are the things i love...the things i couldn't live without

oh my...look at this pic i found....

avery looks so young....and i figured it out....i figured out what makes her look so young...

she still has all of her baby teeth....once they loose those baby teeth they start looking like big kids....

she lost her first tooth when she was barely 5....and then they all fell out so quickly after that....

she is just growing up way too fast

x's & o's

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