someone asked me today if i had a is what ran through my take a deep deep D E E P breath....
try new shampoo. make avery's lunch. clip coupons from newspaper insert while fixing breakfast for the girls and myself. , get girls ready for the day to include priming and priming for 2 little divas (normally this includes changing their mind on their outfit that they picked out the night before. drop avery off at school (musn't' forget to roll the back windows down so adilyn can yell "love you good at school". drive 20 minutes to the gym to get my a** handed to me in my spin class or p90 class (whichever day it happens to be) and then after my a** has been handed to me for an hour i get tortured for another hour with some weights and ab work. drive home and if no one is looking stop at mcdonalds for their $1 coke (hey i just worked's allowed right??!?!?! fix lunch for adilyn and try to find something to stuff down my throat. rush off to the shower. do hair. throw on some make-up time permitting. take adilyn to school. rush home to answer the copious amounts of emails received in the last 24 hours. grab a handful of peanuts (those are allowed.....right!?!?!?!?) try to get as much sewing done as humanly possible...or maybe not so human....i do have a robot mode...don't you know??!?! drink 8 glasses of water. do some glute squeezes while sewing. meet avery at the half way point from school. go home and get the first stages of dinner together. have avery read me a story. go over homework, notes, or whatever other flyer's are in the every growing stack sent home each and every night. get packages ready for the post office. grab avery by the arm and throw her in the car. pick adilyn up from school. go to the post office. drive past the drive-thru. replace the toilet paper roll (why do i feel like i do this every other day?) remember nothing is as bad as it seems. explain to adilyn what "you are what you eat" means. get dinner ready. charge cell phone. feed the children. clean the kitchen. figure out what is for dinner tomorrow night so you can start the thawing process. stick $1 in avery's book bag for snow cone day. bathe the children. pick out our outfits for the next day to include any and all accessories. work as hard as i can. braid the girls hair. pick up the stray socks found in the hallway. RSVP for a party. stop and give the kids a big hug and kiss. check the weather. remember to drive slower and avoid quick starts to preserve the life of my car for the next few months. think about exercising more. shred mail. pay bills online. transfer money into savings. check the mailbox. iron the clothes. write a to-do list with the #1 thing being put the laundry away. clean the bathroom. read a few bedtime stories. put the kids to bed. remind yourself to eat out less. trade the coke in your hand for a water. do christina's ab workout during commercials of big brother. check emails again. sweep kitchen floor. laugh at a joke. step on the scale. pick yourself up off the floor after looking down while standing on the scale. get on the scale one more time to see if there was some type of malfunction. tell yourself to weigh in the morning as soon as you wake up for a more accurate weight. put library books in the library bag and set by the front door. look for healthy recipes. try to make a blog post. wait for hubby's phone call. read the glamour magazine from two months ago that is still in the plastic. answer hubby's call. tell him about your day. get off the phone and put it on the charger. check and respond to emails one last time. make sure water bottles are filled for the next torture session at the gym. jot down your grocery list on the back of the receipt sitting by the microwave. turn the lights off. turn the lights back on. start a to do list because calling the dentist keeps getting forgotten. turn the lights off. creep upstairs so to not wake the kiddos. crawl into bed. set the alarm for 5:30am to get the stuff done you weren't able to do today done before the kids wake up. read the latest james patterson novel until your eyes close while you are still holding the book. wake up and turn the light off. pass out......
sure i have a minute....what do you need?
the average day in the life of me.....happy thursday sweet sweet friends
x's & o's
Lmfao!! I hear ya sista!! And I do the exact same thing with the scale!! Bit damnit it's never wrongtje first time!lol. Love ya!! :-)