Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Gym

i'm excited.....SUPER excited!!!

when I started spinning about two years ago my spin instructor had this awesome heart rate monitor/calorie counter......

i wanted one.....BAD!!! I was always curious how many calories i was actually burning....not always for the best reasons...sometimes i just wanted to know if i could afford to eat that greasy, great smelling, melt in your mouth cheeseburger.....

i finally bought one yesterday....check it out....isn't it GORGEOUS?!?!?!?!
of course mine is black and looks kinda guyish (not sure if that is really a word) but i love it and it is super exciting to see how much i am actually burning...

so i was at the gym today...sweating out of EVERY pour on my body and it seemed like everything my fellow gym-goers around me were doing was exasperating me....

so while i was burning my almost 700 calories i made my TOP 5 Gym Annoyances.....

5. Grunters...is it really necessary to emit all of those strange and sometimes very bothersome noises??? it seems like a mix of what you would hear in a bedroom during mommy and daddy time or at the Dr.'s office during a not-so-pleasant visit with the proctologist...not only is the distracting....it is downright disturbing!!!

4. Cellphoners...working out to me does not include the use of my mouth....really...can be not disconnect for an hour or two while trying to get in shape??? is it really necessary to spread the latest gossip so that EVERY gym member can hear???? and when i head over to lift free weights to tone my flab i have to stand there and wait on some Yahoo to get off the bench...not because they are lifting...because they found that weight bench to be the most convenient place to hold their cell phone conversation...

3. Starers....the ones that will stare/glare/gape/or eagle eye you in hopes that they can intimidate you out of the machine you are currently using....really....is it necessary for you to stand behind me waiting to jump on machine like a crazed rabid animal??? i mean really, im kinda self-conscious as it is about the junk in the trunk (hence why i visit the gym frequently) i don't need anyone standing behind me to urge me along!!!

2. Bangers....i get it...the weights are heavy....sure they aren't going to be put down with the gentlest of ease.....but is it really necessary to let them go with an almighty crash...come on...do people not know that that kind of noise can scare the bejeezies out of fellow gym goers????

1. Non-wipers....ok...so u work out...sweat all over the machines or the benches...wouldn't it be common courtesy to walk your happy heiney over to the paper towel and sanitizer station and wipe your machines down??? how nasty is it to just leave your work out juices glistening all over the elliptical machine or the weight bench....i have now made it a practice to wipe down machines both BEFORE and AFTER working out....it's just plain YUCK!!!!

so there you have it my friends....my top 5 gym annoyances!!!!

Happy Tuesday Wonderful Readers!!!


And for a little Hot Tots Boutique business....

first to announce the winner of the photo contest.....

Lorelai....you got it sweet girl!!! congrats to you my sweet Hot Tot

(*note...this photo contest was judged by Jennifer Morais, Christine Neutgens, and Christy Murphy...none of which are related to me, Hot Tots Boutique or each other...a big thank you to all of the judges!!!)

and the winner of the Dr. Seuss comment give away is........meredy338

winners should email me at rebecca_murray2006@yahoo.com

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