Thursday, February 24, 2011

12 Things.....

to give up for just ONE day......

1. The headphones I see so many people walking around that really what a bird sounds like????

2. Those wobbly heels....the full-body Spanx....the bag big enough to hold a small child....and anything else that you wear that hurts!!!

3. Being so sumperwoman-y that you forget to even taste the lunch you are supposed to be eating but doing 10 million other things at the exact same time so you don't even remember that you ate the lunch that you didn't even get the chance to taste!!

4. Saying "yes" when you are really feeling "no"....

5. Slouching.....also wallowing in your own goings on....there are so many more people out there that have it worse than you do....

6. Texting.....isn't it really nice to hear a voice on the other side of a conversation as opposed to that little ring tone you have set up especially for texts????

7. Your it flying, sailing, driving, public speaking, worms (that's my own personal phobia..worms..Y U C K)....just take a deep breath and do something amazing!

8. Processed foods....just to prove that you can...because really...who doesn't love a lil' something greasy from time to time???

9. Procrastinating....and no, you may not put that off until next month!!! :)

10. Rolling your eyes...difficult for many, myself included, but EXTREMELY effective!!!

11. Emailing....send a honest to God, old fashioned, hand written letter to your parents, your hubby, whom's an amazing feeling to get an actual letter in the mail these days....actually quite euphoric!

12. Negativity....for one day try to remain positive and upbeat and optimistic about anything and everything that will be amazed at how you feel at the end of the day!

Not that these pictures have anything at all to do with this post...but I just wanted to share my little Divas at the hair salon yesterday after school.....

Adilyn was a R I O T....seriously....

she ALWAYS makes her Big Sister go first at anything and everything that could be perceived as's the fear of the unknown.....

yesterday...that lil' girl made it a point to go beautiful mess of a girl is starting to come out of her shell!!!

And of course Avery was in heaven getting pampered...this was not their first hair cut but it was their first time getting a shampoo...

you should have heard the giggles that emanated from my girls....

the room was full of happiness that most of the time can only come from innocence....
my heart melts when i hear my babies giggling....

Have a Beautiful Thursday My Dear Friends


I also realized that I did not post the winner of the Ruffle Bum the winner is Lauren have 24 hours to email me to discuss the details of your Ruffle Bum skirt! Congrats to you!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! :) I expect a phone call...and I promise it won't be as negative as the one yesterday :) miss and love you all!!!
