Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am finally at a place where I not only CAN but I NEED to start my blog and what better way to start off than with a few introductions as to who we are!


  • Avery Lillian Murray....and juts turned 6 this past October
  • my first born and was the easiest and most complacent baby I could have asked for
  • she has a heart of gold and shares it with everyone that she comes in contact with....
  • she is beautiful both inside and out and even though she has an awkward and toothless smile it is one that shines on the darkest of days
  • she is the girliest girl that you will have the pleasure of meeting and INSISTS she wears skirts at least 6 out of the 7 days of the week
  • she started kindergarten this year and is loving most every minute of it...with the exception of the first few weeks where she had her ice pack from her lunch box on her head when I picked her up because the "kids are just too noisy"
  • she calls her little sister her best friend and loves her more than anything in the world
  • she is a charming little girl but a bit on the bossy side...one day she will be a GREAT leader
  • she has a thirst for knowledge that just can't be quenched
  • she read her first book with NO help two days ago
  • she is radiant in every way and her beauty shines in everything she does
  • is her father's daughter....it astonishes me how much they are alike in every way
She ...

  • Adilyn Grace Murray....just turned 3 this past November
  • can melt your heart in one look and turn you to stone with the next look...watch out Medusa....this one's got you beat!
  • wants to do EVERYTHING her sister does and gets SO temperamental when she just can't get it
  • says her sister is "her best friend in the whooooooole world".....makes my heart smile
  • just started pre-school....she goes 2 days a week and even though there were some tears and a little separation anxiety when I dropped her off I know she is going to be just fine (and mama is LOVING the 3 hours on Tuesday's and Thursday's of blissful silence.
  • is painfully shy just as her mother was and in all honesty still is
  • is following in her sister's footsteps of being a true girly girl
  • her favorite thing to do right now....play dress up and be a "pretty pretty princess"
  • is truly and 100% beautiful.....with doll-like features and BIG beautiful eyes
  • is her mother's daughter...it's amazing how much she is like me


  • Colby Daniel Murray....just turned 34 this past October
  • is the one and only man that I have every loved with everything that I am
  • is strong and caring and kind and has a soft spot for his daughters (and me too as I think that he really finds it hard to ever tell me no....sometimes I wish he would as I sometimes have issues with impulse control...tee hee hee!!!)
  • is living his dream....how many people can honestly say that they are doing what they always dreamed of doing....so after 5 long years of trying to enlist in the Army he is doing it...he made it
  • is so secure with who he is he has no qualms about putting on a tutu and a tiara and playing dress up with his daughters....or watching a "girly movie" with his wife...not that I am really into girly movies but every now and then there is one I want to watch
  • laughs so fully and deeply and hearty that it just touches your soul
  • is the one person that can make me laugh to the point of my abs hurting tears streaming down my face
  • is my hero

I am...

  • Rebecca Louise Murray...just turned 32 this past November
  • am wife to a wonderful husband and mother to two beautiful and kind spirited daughters and owner of Hot Tots Boutique
  • is finally feeling comfortable in her skin with who she REALLY is....
  • has taken a vow to herself to take batter care of herself inside and out.....
  • is awkwardly shy and often too quiet....as I get a bit older, and maybe a bit wiser about life in general finding herself to being not AS shy and not AS quiet
  • does everything with passion and dedication...gives 100%, 100% of the time....if she does not feel like she can fully commit she will not commit at all
  • gets her feelings her too easily....tried working on some thicker skin but decided that this is part of her make-up so the thicker skin has been thrown by the wayside and she will continue to be a bit TOO sensitive...it's part of what makes her her!
  • loves to watch her children grow and develop and doesn't want to miss a moment of it...part of the reason why her $80,000 education is put up on a shelf and not one ounce of guilt is in her heart or her head....she knows her children are more important than anything in life
  • is proud of herself and continues to be proud....it took her a long time to get here but she is happy with who she is
We are.....

  • The Murray's
  • know that the most important thing in life is family and we cherish it
  • know that things aren't ALWAYS perfect...sure there are some hurt feelings, some doors shut a little too loudly on occasion, a little hair pulling every now and then (not Colby and I...I promise), a tear every now and then, and not always in agreement
  • but also know that we NEVER go to mad, always say I love you when leaving to go somewhere or getting off of the phone....ALWAYS, practice patience with each other, and never say hateful things to each other
  • strong....not as individuals so much but as a unit we will stand the test of time
  • have a love that is so deep and so pure and so true for one another that even when there is a little hair pulling or a few hurt feelings or a tear shed here or there we know that in the end...when the dust settles we have pure unadulterated love

So there it is....

There we are....

This blog will be dedicated to documenting our journey through life together and as individuals as well as an outlet for my creative side.....

If you took the time to read this I am sorry for getting sappy in a place or two...I often do that as well, I'm a sap at heart...it's my little secret though so don't tell anyone.... :)

Happy Hump Day Everyone...and Welcome to A Journey Through Life



  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the introductions, I love how you took the time to express how you viewed each and every one of your family members and yourself. Thank you for sharing who you are and what you are about.

  2. Beautiful family! Beautiful post!

  3. I enjoyed reading about you and your family:)

  4. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us! =)
